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Puerto Vallarta Construction Leading To Traffic Delays For Tourists

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If you are planning a sun-soaked getaway to the tropical city of Puerto Vallarta, we have some important updates to share.

While this paradise destination is ready to welcome you with open arms, it is also in the midst of a facelift – and that means a bit of construction hustle and bustle that might slow you down.  

aerial view of puerto vallarta showing streets

As Puerto Vallarta gears up to enhance its already enchanting beauty, various construction projects are underway.

From revitalizing streets to sprucing up waterfront spots, the city is investing in infrastructure and the most popular spots.

While it is all about making this slice of paradise even more spectacular, it is important to keep in mind that progress sometimes brings a few temporary hiccups. 

Expect Road Closures  

Martin Rodriguez Felix, president of the Mexican Association of Travel Agencies (AMAV), stated in a recent interview that they have experienced an increase in complaints due to road closures in Puerto Vallarta.

As the summer season continues this August, Puerto Vallarta is booming at an 85% occupancy rate which means an increase in tourists and, in turn, vehicles to the area.  

The influx of international travelers, local tourists, and cruise ship arrivals brings unbeatable excitement to this beautiful destination excitement and gives an impactful boost to the local economy.

travelers at PV airport

It can also make these improvements a bit more complicated.  

They have asked the local municipality to assist by ensuring that street parking is minimized and monitored to avoid additional traffic.

Now, we will not sugarcoat it – these construction projects might lead to some traffic delays.

Patience is your best friend in these situations!  

busy street in puerto vallarta

Signs of Improvement  

The good news? Puerto Vallarta’s popularity continues to rise.

Think of it this way – while you might encounter a few extra minutes in traffic, you are also witnessing this vibrant destination evolve and bloom right before your eyes.  

The local authorities and businesses are fully aware of the impact on travelers, and they are working to minimize disruptions as much as possible.

constructions worker repairing cobblestone street puerto vallarta

Improvement projects to roads and sidewalks are a sign of a thriving destination and will not only improve future travel but will ensure its long-lasting allure to visitors.  

In addition to these, there have been reports of other beautification projects planned and on their way.

From the expansion of the Puerto Vallarta International Airport, rumored construction of a new nearby airport, and enhancement to El Malecon, Puerto Vallarta recognizes the importance of tourism to its economy.  

el malecon puerto vallarta

Tips to help you navigate  

To help you navigate these temporary bumps, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:  

  • Plan and Be Flexible: Before heading out, take a moment to check for any potential road closures or construction areas. Plan your activities with a buffer of extra time to account for unexpected traffic jams. Having a flexible itinerary will help you stay stress-free if you encounter delays. 
  • Travel During Off-Peak Hours: Consider adjusting your schedule to avoid peak traffic times, usually during rush hours in the morning and late afternoon. Heading out a bit earlier or later can make a noticeable difference in your travel time and help you enjoy smoother rides. 
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on local news or traffic updates through apps or websites. Staying informed about road conditions can help you make informed decisions about your route and timing. 
  • Embrace the Moment: Instead of viewing traffic delays as a setback, think of them as extra time to absorb the beauty around you. Take in the sights and sounds of Puerto Vallarta’s vibrant streets. 
colorful street in puerto vallarta
  • Stay Hydrated and Snack Smart: Keep a bottle of water and some snacks handy in the car. Staying hydrated and having a little something to nibble on can keep you refreshed and in good spirits during unexpected traffic hold-ups. 
  • Patience is Key: Remember, you are in a beautiful destination, and sometimes traffic delays are just part of the adventure. Take a deep breath, relax, and know that you will eventually reach your destination.

So, there you have it – a handful of tips to help you gracefully tackle traffic delays while exploring the captivating streets of Puerto Vallarta.

Remember, the journey is as much a part of the adventure as the destination itself! 

view of old town and ocean

So, whether you are looking for that perfect beach day or eager to explore the Old Town and its cobblestone streets, rest assured that Puerto Vallarta remains open to welcome you.  

Puerto Vallarta is in the midst of a vibrant transformation so pack your patience, blend it with your plans, and get ready to experience this evolving paradise. Safe travels!  

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